(11) 94107-4484 vendas@westex.com.br

Helping to Transform Dreams into Prints

Why choose Westex?

WESTEX has been an innovative leader serving the textile industry for more than 15 years. Our goal is the total satisfaction of our customers, attending them always quickly, and fair prices, but without giving up the total quality. We are ready to meet the most diverse needs of the printed fabric market, and we work together with large companies from different sectors.

Nickel Screens

Providing  nickel screens for rotary printing, Westex provides the customer with the latest in technology and the highest quality, resulting in fidelity and quality in the plate.


With innovative and surprising ideas, we help turn dreams into prints Westex makes available through partners an industry of creating and developing prints, where you can find the ideal design for your collection.


Contact Westex and request a free quote. We will be happy to help you and take your questions. Call +55 (11) 94107-4484 (Sales) or send an e-mail to vendas@westex.com.br